Brad Sundberg In The Studio With MJ
Dublin Seminar October 2016
Bring Brad Sundberg To Dublin Campaign
In the summer of 2016, over coffee and chats, Megan mentioned to me how amazing Brad Sundberg In The Studio With MJ seminars are and that it was her dream to bring him to Dublin. She had never had the chance to go to Brads seminars before but knew about them from the on-line fan community. She also had friends in other countries who had been to previous seminars who told her they are an amazing experience. She told me how she had been in contact with him through social media and that he was open to the idea, if there was enough interest. So one day in a coffee shop the campaign to get Brad to Dublin began.
Let me make this clear from the start, this was Megans idea, her dream and I just gave her the support and encouragement behind the scenes to make her dream reality.
A Facebook event page was created to start the campaign. We started spreading the word in the fan community, contacting first our friends and then let it ripple out on social media. We encouraged people to show their support for Brad Sundberg In The Studio With MJ Dublin seminars by registering on the event page. Megan kept a track of the numbers and names and gave Brad regular updates, letting him see that she was serious and that Irish people would come to the event. As word spread fans from Europe heard about it and contacted Megan.
Eventually the news we had been waiting for, Dublin was officially put on the Fall Seminar Tour.
Organising the Dublin In The Studio With MJ Seminars
There was a bit of a complicated and stressful time for a few weeks, as Brad in Florida worked out his schedule, trying to fit in everything he wanted to do. Dates got changed unexpectedly and now the Dublin seminars would be during the week, spread over 3 nights.
Megan was amazing, keeping on track of everything, dealing with the questions and problems with the fans, keeping Brad informed and getting information from him, while at the same time keeping the ripples going and spreading the word about the seminars.
As the days and weeks rolled by and the event got closer, things got more frantic. Now Megan had to try and get some proper promo for the event, try to get Irish media to take an interest, keep fans happy with all their issues and so much more that goes into an event like this.
In The Studio With MJ Dublin Seminar
Finally it was Monday 17 October and Brad was actually really in Dublin and everything came together, well sort of. The first night was amazing but circumstances beyond Brads control meant that the venue had to be changed for the second and third night. Both Brad and Megan had a frantic 12 hours trying to source an alternative venue at the last minute AND make sure that ticket holders were informed and had transport information to the new venue.
Back to Monday night, as I walked in and took my seat, I was struck by how little seats there were and how few Irish fans were actually there. It just made me really sad that Irish fans can not differentiate between the real genuine people in Michael’s life who share their memories and experiences out of a pure and respectful love for Michael and those who want to cash in and use their connection to Michael for their own financial gain and social status.

Over the last week so many people who didn’t buy tickets want to know what the Brad Sundberg In The Studio With MJ Dublin seminars were like. This is what you missed out on…..

A dark room light only by the images and videos being projected onto the wall
A softly spoken unassuming American man in his 50’s sitting with a laptop hooked up to a projector and a portable sound system, the most home-made looking cobbled together set-up, kinda like just being in someone’s sitting room.
And then he starts talking and the room disappears, the people around you disappear, you forget about the hard chair and the surroundings. You get transported back in time, to the private world of Brad, Michael, a recording studio and the work they did together. Brad takes you on a journey, to a time and place away from the cameras, away from the general public and the media and allows you see the real person Michael.
Going to Brad Sundberg In The Studio With MJ seminars is just like the old seanaches, that very old Irish tradition of story telling around a fire, sharing secrets and memories, passing on to the next generation the stories that need to be recorded and kept alive.
It is such an honour and privilege to go to Brads seminars, what you hear and see is priceless, a magical world so few really truly understand. It was even more special that fans from Spain Germany and Scotland travelled to Dublin just for Brads seminar. Some of these fans I had last spoken to in 2009, in happier times outside Michaels hotel in London.
As each year goes by, we are slowly losing those like Brad who understand the importance of passing on the memories and experiences of the real Michael. Don’t let your ego, jealousy, fan politics, family pressures, or any other stupid excuses make you miss out on this very very special experience. …Do this for Michael….
Thank you Brad