Part 3
John Joseph Barnes Jr is a music producer and C.E.O of INNER SOUND Inc California
He has worked for Michael since 1983
He was recommended by Jermaine and asked by Micheal to come to Bahrain and work on The Katrina song. Before he left California Michael asked him to make an inventory of recordings stored in a warehouse, with a view to shipping them to Bahrain.
According to his witness statement as of 2 July 2008 is is still the HEAD OF CREATIVE AT 2 SEA’S
Asked what the non exsistant company of 2 Seas’s has done since June 2006, when Michael left Bahrain he answered
– developed writers in LA
– inventoried previous recordings
– preparing to release new products in 2009
Under further questioning it was revealed he was actully emplyed by the Sheik
ENGLEHART ” Are you telling us there is no comapy called 2 sea’s? “
BARNES ” Im not involved in legal matters“
Some interesting info
David Foster wrote the music for the Katrina song, which was never refered to by name, only as “the Katrina song”
The questioning then turned to the expenses involved in the Katrina project and list of payments was discussed. It came out that INNER SOUND was paid a large sum of money but there are no invoices to show exactly what this money was used for.
Oh and guess what, it came out though questioning that ….. John Barnes brother is the Sheiks US lawyer and has also been attening this case!!
There was also a descrepency about the vocal that Michael had recorded for the song. The Sheik was telling the world that Michael sounded brillant, when in actual fact John Barnes who has worked for Michael for over 20 years and has heard him sing more times than anyone in this court thought Michael’s voice was at that time only 65% to 70% of the force it usully is
His current position is that he is still employed by the Sheik and that the recording studio is still in use and that he has high hopes for many things from there in the future.
that was the end of his testimony
Just before the Judge left he asked the lawyers for a copy of Guy Holmes passport