Taaj Please Cease and Desist

1.Who Do You Want To Petition?
2. What Do You Want Them To Do?
Leave the Michael Jackson fan community in peace and stop the destruction, spreading of false information, lying and manipulation which you have caused since June 2009.
3. Why is this important?
For nearly three years this woman has caused nothing but destruction in the Michael Jackson fan community. Her actions time and again have shown that she has no understanding or knowledge of Michael Jackson, yet she calls herself a fan group leader and actively seeks publicity in the media. All we ask is that Taaj  ceases from her actions and projects in the Michael Jackson fan community and leaves us in peace to mourn and grieve the man we lost on June 25 2009.
This petition in no way is a hate attack or harassment of Taaj , we just want her to stop harming our community and to return to her life before June 25 2009.


Taaj Please Cease and Desist — 2 Comments

  1. really now Kitty, YOU come to MY personal blog and try to tell me what I can and can not write…

    I guess your precious Taaj has not turned her claws on you yet, how you can defend her actions I do not know. You obviously are a new fan which no knowledge of Michael as you blindly follow scum like Taaj.

    Run along little sheep, unlike your dear friend Taaj, I did care about Michael when he was alive and he knew I did not abandon him in his hour of need.

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