Last visit to the MJ exhibition at The O2 London

ok, its Tuesday and its only now that I can write about this. I was THE LAST PERSON to leave the exhibition on Sunday night.

I went with a friend and we went into the exhibition around 5.30pm. We went through it once, taking our time. There wasn’t that many people there so I was able to read every tiny bit of information and examine every thing in detail, more than I had on my previous visits, (this was my 5th visit) The atmosphere was very quiet, unlike other times, when there was a background of people chatting and excited children, this time, you could feel the sadness and grief in the air.

After going though the entire exhibition together, we doubled back and separated, each of us having some quiet time to take in all that we were seeing and experiencing.

I went back to the Neverland room, and sat in a corner, near the entrance, facing the arch. All I could think about was that day back in April 2005. I could see Michael, still wearing the clothes from the court, looking soo soo happy, I could feel the magic and happiness of the real Neverland, where for a few hours we escaped the reality of why we were in Santa Maria.

Just like back then, being in the Neverland room at the exhibition, helped me escape for a while the reality of June 25.

All too soon it was time to leave. The security guards came over and said they were closing now. As soon as I walked though the arch one last time, the tears started flowing. I just wanted to stay forever. As I looked back one last time, all I could hear in my heard was the echo of his laughter from that day in 2005…………

At the very end of the exhibition, we were the last ones writing in the books. My friend was still writing as the security were turning off the video and the main lights. They were very nice and didn’t hurry us, waiting patiently in near darkness for us. As soon as we finished writing, the manager came over and gathered up all the books, which were being shipped directly to the Jackson family first thing Monday morning.

We still manged to spend money in the shop, as the staff were very nice and didn’t rush us. I think they were surprised at how emotional we all were, we were not the only fans there and everyone was crying as they were leaving.

The exhibition is going to Tokyo in Japan next, opening sometime in May, for approx the same amount of time 5 or 6 months.

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