Me V Taaj on twitter

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This post contains a conversation on twitter between me and Taaj from September 2010. The conversation was about the fake Heal The World Foundation charity and the fraud committed by Melissa Johnson. Taaj got really nasty with me when I prestented her with facts from 2008 which fans had uncovered about the scams and fraud. Taaj is one of the main supporters of Melissa Johnson and does not like when anyone speaks out about the fake charity.
please contact for further information
edited 17 October 2013

Accountability and Transparency

The Forum on was created in March 2009 after the London Press Conference. It was created as a platform for fans to have somewhere to talk about the upcoming concerts in London. It quickly became apparent , however that the forum was unmoderated and there were many technical issues. The software on the forum was for “self moderation” ie spam or troll posts could only be removed by members flagging them as offensive.

Over time, regular member discovered that posts could be deleted if they were flagged as offensive 10 or more times. This was very useful when very obvious spam was posted but now that that the system had been discovered, some very disturbing behavior started happening. As well as the self moderation, the software on the forum allowed multiple accounts to be created from the same IP and email accounts.
With the knowledge that posts were deleted when flagged as offensive 10 or more times, certain cliques on the forum made multiple accounts for the sole purpose of removing posts from people they had personal issues with. This in turn led to a huge amount of cyberbulling, with posts and threads disappearing for the sole reason that they were not part of the cliques.
Finally, the admin started realizing that people were abusing the flag as offensive option and tried to solve this by appointing members of the forum as MODERATORS.
Unfortunately though, the appointment of the MODS has only caused more cyberbulling and has in fact divided the forum even more. The members who were given MOD privileges were all part of one of the cliques. They decided NOT to reveal that they had become MODS and to remain hidden. They told their friends, who all became a secret hidden club, who now had the means to control exactly who and what could post on the forum. If a mod or their friends didn’t like you, poof, your posts disappeared, even though what was posted was NOT against any of the forum guidelines or rules.
Members started noticing that even more posts and threads were being deleting. By finding 2 separate ERROR notices when clicking on deleted posts, members discovered that someone was deliberately deleting posts and threads.
Month after month went on, these secret hidden mods abusing their power and not being accountable for their actions. When any one posted asking what was going on, poof deleted. No one was allowed to question what was happening, no one allowed to voice concern about who was secretly deleting posts and threads.
In May, the admin posted a thread asking for forum suggestions. Very quickly the members one by one voiced their concern about the secret hidden mods.
This is part of that thread

Friday, May 13, 2011 – 08:28
Re: Forum Suggestions

Ethemer, I fully agree.

I really like this site and what has kept it brilliant are the people, the variety of topics, and the quality of posts and replies – that, for me, has reflected the spirit of Michael – which lives on in EVERY SINGLE FAN.

All the gimmicks in the world couldn’t match that – otherwise I would have left long ago – there are lots of fancy smancy websites out there!

What has really undermined the success of this forum more than anything else is the moderators’ continued abuse (accidental and intentional) of their privileges which has meant many wonderful members rarely come back anymore. The statistics speak for themselves.

Only a select few are allowed to know who the moderators are or what their powers consist of – all of them have told friends – and this creates a very elitist environment where only those people “in the know” can offer support or make suggestions to the moderators. This is clearly unfair to the forum community as a whole.

Friday, May 13, 2011 – 09:50
Re: Forum Suggestions

So MANY members KNOW but are afraid to speak up for FEAR of being deleted.There is something VERY WRONG for having to feel that way! Sad I became a voice for those who gave up and I was deleted for doing so! Dear God, what is happening? Where is MICHAEL in this?

Re: Forum Suggestions

Ethemer, a long-standing RESPECTED member who has a heart of gold, so much Michael-like, a member with INTEGRITY and LOVE for” ALL” of Michael’s Fans, took it upon herself to NOT turn her back on those who had no voice, but to be the voice for them was silenced OVER and OVER, time and time again. Ethemer was the FIRST to take this stand for the silenced.She paid a price for doing so. DELETED into LEAVING because she could no longer watch GOOD people being silenced. It breaks my heart …STOP for the LOVE of MICHAEL.

Re: Forum Suggestions

CGM Digital.
I want to thank Sony for the possibility to have this site where we can all come to gather and talk about the one person that brought us all together, Mr. Michael Jackson.
As there are indeed things that could be improved (what can not be improved in this world …) I am very satisfied in general, and thinking about : “be thankful for what one has”, I would not not want to have many changements, that could lead to other unexpected problems.

However, I want to express my solidarity with some longtime loyal members, who took a stand against the “silenced”. My friends and me are among these “silenced”. It was very hard to have our threads deleted one after another, also threads that had been there for such a long time, for no specific reason. To have an account deleted, is very hurtful, because you lose all your pm’s, all your friends, your total “History” (that we write every day….).
Is there any possibility to be able to recuperate what was on a member’s profile, after the account was deleted ?

You will not be surprised that I fully agree with some members that suggest the moderating system should be adapted.
I personally have intensively felt the censorship on this site, and I had to be so careful to chose words and sentence constructions, and read them over and over again, because something could have been misinterpreded by the mods, (English not being my mother language makes it no easier) leading to deletion of the post/thread and account. That is not what Michael was and is all about. This should be a place where we can talk freely, enjoy, and not be afraid for every word we write.

I very much would like to thank some long time respectable members that have helped us to survive, among them Ethemer and dj4mj, and they did pay for it. It breaks my heart. Why do they have to go through this ?
I hope everybody that loves Mr. Jackson can be allowed on this site, that hearts can be together again. This would be, in my opinion, the best improvement of this forum……
Thank you.

Friday, May 13, 2011 – 12:09
Re: Forum Suggestions

All of these Forum Suggestions are excellent and I would personally love to see them in place here to insure that this forum is indeed a safe, welcoming place for EVERYONE. I especially commend Ethemer, dj4mj, gboete 1, moon_street and any others who commented for sharing their thoughts and concerns about the situation regarding the moderators. IMHO, this is certainly a situation that requires further evaluation and necessary steps taken to insure that the current problems are corrected. Kudos to ALL who offered suggestions and spelled out their concerns so that we all can continue to enjoy being here to share with each other. With the L.O.V.E. Now, where is that “LIKE” button?!?


Re: Forum Suggestions

DJ – I fully agree – the situation has created an intimidating atmosphere for many.

The whole moderation system needs to be open and transparent not shrouded in secrecy. With responsibility must come accountability.

Learning by Example

Im really amazed at how people new to the fan community have come to have such influence and people lap up their every word, while those who have been active for many years and have alot of experience are ignored, ridiculed and their stories and photos are made out to be lies!

How did this happen? Where is the respect for those who had the courage and self confidence to make their support of Michael public, to be the ones who represented the wider fan community and the ones who made Michael smile and know that no matter what , the fans still cared for him?

I grew up in a world with no internet, no mobile phones. All I had were newspapers, magazines and what I could tape from the tv. I was not part of any fan club, I didnt know any other people like me. For over 15 years I kept my love of Michael private. During those years, I watched in wonder and amazement all the fan footage and documentries of the Bad and Dangerous tours. Over and over I watched the fans outside Michaels hotels, at the barriers. My dream was to be one of them, to know what it felt like to be outside a building that Michael was in. Back then, I thought it was impossible. How could a lonely child like me, with no friends, from a poor area of Dublin, whos family didnt understand modern pop culture even get to see Michael in concert , let alone be part of the groups of fans at the hotels?

All I had was this deep burning need inside me. Somehow year after year I kept dreaming, kept wishing. Finally in 1997, after being a fan since Thriller era, I made it to the Dublin History concert. I was on my own, soo soo scared. I was 21 yet, I was a young 21. I had no clue what I was doing, yet somehow I made it to the queue as early as I could. When I got there, my heart was in my mouth. All round me were faces I recognised from the fan documentries. Suddenly I was part of the world I had wished for. I began talking to the fans around me. I never felt jealous when hearing their stories. Instead they gave me hope and confidence. If they could do it , so could I.

Talking to those fans in the queue, gave me the push I needed. When I got home that night, it was like a new me awakening. I decided to write to MJNI, whos address I had seen in Adrian Grants book , The Visual Documentry.

In the beginning, when I was just starting out, I loved hearing the fans stories. I never felt bitterness or jelously, I never made fun of them. It felt like by hearing their stories, I was able to connect with Michael in a way I never felt possible. When I heard stories from fans who had travelled around Europe in the summer of 1997 for the History tour, I felt privileged and honoured that I was sharing in something so special. When they showed my their photos, I never once doubted they were real.

Hearing the stories from the more experienced fans, I learnt soo much. They were my mentors, taking me under their wing, passing on their experience and knowledge to the new crop of fans like me, who were just starting out on this magical adventure.

As the years passed, and I became more experienced, I started doing the same. As those who had helped me when I was started out had done, I began helping the new crop of fans. I began taking people under my wing, sharing my stories and experiences, teaching the new crop , like I had been taught.

Thats why I cant understand the mentality of the fans new to the fan community since June 09. All they do is ridicule, pour scorn over and pass on mis information. How will the next generation, the babies born since June 09 learn about Michael, if those who met him, were close to him, experienced things first hand are pushed out of the fan community? Soon all the fan stories will be lost, the magic of Michael will fade and all that will be left are the bitter and jealous rantings of those who have no clue who the real Michael was and what he stood for.

My fan History

SOOOO people are wondering about me, well have a look at all this.
I first joined MJNI in 1998, and travelled with them to see Michael in Munich for the MJ and Friends concert. Then in May 2000 I went to Monaco for the World Music Awards and then 2 weeks after that to London, for The Elizabeth Taylor Tribute in The Royal Albert Hall. In 2001 I went to New York in February for The Heal The Kids Speech in Carnegie Hall, London in March for Adrian Grants MJ DAY 10, and Oxford Union Speech, New York in September for the MSG concerts and New York in November for the Invincible cd signing. In June 2002 I went to London for Exeter Football grounds, Sony Demo and MJNI’s Killer Thriller fan party. In November 2002 I went to Berlin for The Bambi Awards. In January 2004 I went to Santa Maria. In March/April 2005 I went to Santa Maria. In November 2006 I was in London for the World Music Awards. In March 2007 I was at The Carlton Towers Hotel. In march 2009 I was at The Press Conference and outside the hotel.
Online I first joined MJIFC chat in 1998/1999 where my name was D33. I was also a member of MJNI messgeboard, when it was red and then blue. Other fansite from that time I used to read were PLANET JACKSON, ANGEL and MJWN and the original KOP board when it was ezboard and run by MJSBUNNY, also SONYS site, when it was BOTDF theme, then INVINCIBLE theme and had a chatroom and KINGOFPOP FANATICS run by Donna Green and MJFANCLUB.NET run by Deborah Dannelly. During the trial, it was MJNO, MJJFORUM ,MJEUROPE and KOPBOARD. When MJNO closed in 2008, MJJCOMMUNITY, MAXIMUM JACKSON and MJJBOARD.

Thats me in the top corner of the photo, holding the camera, photo taken outside Benhani’s Restaurant, Kings Road London, 14 November 2006, The night before The World Music Awards

^^^^^^ My profile information from KOPBOARD Join Date January 2005

My profile information from MJJCOMMUNITY Join Date September 2003
Camp Michael Jackson (British TV Documentry made in March/ April 2005 , about the fans in Santa Maria
At 3.57, thats me, dressed in white , wearing a fedora, with a green flag (Irish Flag) wrapped around me, taking a photo of the roses.
Thats me again at 4.21 and at 6.31 to 6.53 thats my reaction to the inviation into Neverland

Michael Shopping in Berlin November 2002
Thats me at 2.28 at the bottom of the screen taking the photo, and thats me at 3.11 running down the UP escalator

This is just what I had saved, Im sure I could find alot more if I spent longer looking!

Dear Bonnie Cox

It has come to my attention that you continuely spread FALSE information regarding certain photos of Michael with fans. Now while I have never met or had any interaction with Sam DG, I have met and travelled to see Michael with the OTHER fans who had photos taken the same day as Sam DG. I knew those fans LONG before TINI, LONG before they were called follower fans. Those photos are 100% REAL, why is it soo hard to believe that fans met with Michael on a regualr basis, for over 10 years. Just cos YOU didnt know about them, dosnt mean shit. Those fans NEVER put their stories or photos online, only those who knew them in real life heard their stories, saw their photos, they were discreet and extremely private about their times with Michael,so so much happened in real life that NEVER made it online, fans meeting Michael all over the world, you really have no clue!

Let me tell you some home truths Ms Cox

These fans were the fans that Michael trusted. These fans were the LAST fans Michael had contact with. These fans are the ones Michael invited into his home. These fans are the ones who sat in the courtroom in Santa Maria day after day. These fans are the fans who organised SONY DEMOS in London and New York which Michael attended. These fans are the fans who are in the crowd footage of the Madison Square Concerts in New York in 2001. These fans are the fans who are in the crowd footage of the History tour in 1996 1997. Some of these fans are in the crowd footage of Dangerous Tour in 1992!

THESE FANS ARE JUST THE HIGH PROFILE ONES, there are many many more around the world who did the same as them, travelled country to country to see Michael, support him in his darkest times, when the world turned against him.

There are hundreds of fans who have photos with Michael, why do you continuley say that Sam DGs photos are photoshopped?? Why is is soo hard to believe that they met him??

Like hundreds of fans, I have been a member of the Michael Jackson fan community BEFORE the internet became mainstream. The other fans who were with Sam DG that day are well known faces in the fan community. One of them used to be the American Correspondant for British Fanclub Michael Jackson News International until around 2002, writing for their fan magazine KING. Two of the other fans are from Europe and are two of the most recognised faces in the real life fan community.

The photos which you take great delight in spreading FALSE info about, were posted on forums the day after they were taken. Those of who knew the fans in the photos in real life never for one second doubted that they were genuine. Everyone knows that these fans ALWAYS get close to and meet Michael!

Since History era, there have been around 100 to 200 European fans who travelled on a regular basis to see Michael. Most fans like myself, travelled to see Michael once or twice a year. We would go to see Michael when he made a public appearance for an award show or event. Every time Michael did something, it was always the same people outside hotels, year after year and we all knew each other. We are the fans you see in the crowd shots of The World Music Awards in London 2006, we are the fans you hear shouting ” fcuk the press, Michael is the best” in Germany on the Bashir documentry, we are the fans who you see in the documentries CAMP MICHAEL JACKSON and THE TRIALS OF MICHAEL JACKSON.

People like you, new to the fan community who spread FALSE information are just eaten up with jealousy that WE did what you couldnt be bothered to do and now its too late.

Whatever your opinion about Sam DG and her behaviour online, the fact remains, HER PHOTO IS REAL, SHE MET MICHAEL AND WAS ONE OF THE LAST FANS TO HAVE CONTACT WITH HIM.

Problems with UK Justice fight and its relation to Certain American Fans.



So once again, the preparation for the demos has hit another road block in the form of The British Police. We’ve been working our upmost to ensure that every move we make is legal and above board. We’re fighting a serious cause here so the last thing we want is to encounter problems on the day.

As I write this I could well be damaging my relationship with the British police, one we as a group have been working hard to restore (Note : Restoring a Relationship with the British Police). Should this be the case then I will withdraw myself from the organisation of the demos so as not to put them in jeopardy. But that will only happen should a problem arise from this.

What it’s really highlighted for me though is certain members of the American fan circuit and again I’m questioning WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!!

On a constant basis news filters in from the states that these fans are arguing, setting up blogs about each other, getting a restraining order, sending hate mail, not being capable of ignoring each other and my personal disgust – Fighting outside the court house.

Let’s put this in to perspective whilst you ‘select few’ are paying airtime to all the ridiculousness that is your fall out, which has no genuine substance. Some of us are battling to even be ALLOWED to fight for Justice for Michael. Whilst you’re clearly taking for granted the fact that you’re in California and can stand outside the court house by fighting with each other, some of us are struggling to be able to find a pitch to demonstrate at! Whilst you are wasting police time with these ridiculous restraining orders. Some of us are spending hours of our time outside of our full time work having to clear every aspect of our proposed demonstration with police with no guarantee the event will be allowed to go ahead.

We are not going to just ‘do it’. We want everything to be above board. Let’s face it, there has already been enough drama without having a bunch of UK fans in trouble with the police as well.

When you are an active fan and you do something in the public eye, people will categories all the fans on the basis of how they see you. If you stand there, as a fan, Screaming and acting in an ill fashion, People will a) Not listen or care what you have to say and b) Brand ALL Michael’s fans under one umbrella.

Think about it! You are representing fans the world over and your actions are far from what the public should perceive a Michael Jackson fan to be. In fairness their opinion is insignificant but in reality if we are going to get ANY justice for Michael at all, we need to be clear, approachable, concise and willing to recruit support from anyone who is willing.

On a final note, I really don’t know what has happened with various people’s children in regards to the various in fan fighting but as I see it; you are making this an adult situation. If your children are not safe, Leave them at home, keep them away from what is going on. They may be fans and they may want to fight for Justice but because you’ve turned this in to an adult situation they are best left out of it. Think of the message of Heal The World and apply it to the fan circuit. How are we going to show the children of the future the wonders of Michael and being a fan if all they associate it with is fighting and arguments.

For the last time, I ask you…….Even beg you, to STOP AND THINK. Do not take for granted the position you are in. Some people would give their right arm to join a justice campaign but cannot due to various reasons, so the fact that you can should mean you are committed to that and that only.

And for god sake, If you can’t get on, On facebook, Twitter, blogs or in person : IGNORE EACH OTHER!!!

The Truth about Melissa Johnsons Heal The World Foundation

It has come to my attention that fans new to the fan community since June 2009 are either misinformed or not aware of the facts about HEAL THE WORLD FOUNDATION.ORG, run by Melissa Johnson.

I first became aware of Melissa Johnsons Heal The World Foundation back in December 2008, when members of MJJCOMMUNITY posted a thread about the relaunch.

Everyone was abit confused as to whether Michael in fact involved and was it the REAL Heal The Foundation.

Here are screencaps from MJJCOMMUNITY from DECEMBER 2008

After June 25 2009, members of MJJC, along with fans all over the world wanted to do something to honour Michael, and many many people donated to this fake charity, as they they thought it was Michaels.

There has never been any documentated proof that any of the donations sent by grieving fans has been used for charity.

The saga then continued when Melissa Johnson was issued by a CEASE AND DISSIST by The Estate of Michael Jackson and taken to court.

Federal Judge Orders ‘Heal the World’ Group to Stop Exploiting Michael Jackson’s Name
© Business Wire 2010
2010-04-27 19:12:10 –

The Estate of Michael Jackson today announced that United States District Court Judge Dolly M. Gee granted its request for a preliminary injunction enjoining the “Heal the World Foundation” from further exploiting the use of Michael Jackson’s name, image and likeness and also from using any Michael Jackson-related trademarks.

The injunction stems from a lawsuit filed on September 29, 2009 in

United States District Court in Los Angeles against two related entities operated by Melissa Johnson in the California desert communities of Indio and Palm Desert that have been using the “Heal the World” name.

While Michael had a Heal the World Foundation, it had been inactive for many years prior to his death last June 25. The plaintiffs in the action are Jackson Estate Executors John Branca and John McClain, along with Triumph International Inc., a Michael Jackson company now owned by his Estate.

In her written order, Judge Gee wrote that the websites of Ms. Johnson’s entities “convey to consumers a false affiliation with Michael Jackson and have, in fact, misled consumers into believing that Defendants are associated with Michael Jackson or Jackson’s foundations.” She added that the decision by Ms. Johnson’s entities to use Michael Jackson-related trademarks in its websites and on products it sells “is clearly related to Michael Jackson’s commercial success.”

Judge Gee also found that Ms. Johnson’s entities violated “anti-cybersquatting” laws through its attempts to register the “” and “” domain names, noting that using “mj” in the two domain names would likely confuse consumers into believing that the websites were associated with Michael Jackson. Judge Gee concluded that the Estate will likely succeed on the merits in trademark infringement, unfair competition and related claims. She also concluded that an injunction is in the public interest, and that the Estate would otherwise lose substantial revenue and goodwill.

“Michael had no ties to this Heal the World Foundation,” said Vincent Chieffo, attorney with Greenberg Traurig LLP, representing the plaintiffs. “We believe the court made the correct decision to protect Michael’s fans from being misled into believing they are contributing to either an official Michael Jackson charity or one of his causes.”

For the Estate of Michael JacksonSitrick and CompanyJim

These are the facts about Melissa Johnson and her Heal The World Foundation. The information was researched by long time active members of the fan community, and compiled and posted on a long running fan site.

It has come to my attention that fans new to the fan community since June 2009 are either misinformed or not aware of the facts about HEAL THE WORLD FOUNDATION.ORG, run by Melissa Johnson.

I first became aware of Melissa Johnsons Heal The World Foundation back in December 2008, when members of MJJCOMMUNITY posted a thread about the relaunch.
Everyone was abit confused as to whether Michael in fact involved and was it the REAL Heal The Foundation.
Here are screencaps from MJJCOMMUNITY from DECEMBER 2008

Steady Laughing

One thing I truely believe in , is what dosnt break you makes you stronger. Theses past few months have been testing times. Ive become more involved with the UK Justice demo group and though my involvement the group in general became the target of harressement.

We are a group of fans who first met travelling to see Michael, and have alot of experience in the fan community. We range in age from early twenties to mid 30s, all of us young professional people who have managed to establish our careers while being active in the fan community.

In the last few months, a woman who is new to the fan community became involved in our group. Over time she began to have major issues with how the group was being run. She wanted us to be more like her new American friends. Thing is though, we have been doing things for many years, Americans have just begun to be active. The way the Americans do things is not how we do things. This woman couldnt accept the fact that we are different, that we do things how we want to do things. This woman also couldnt accept the fact that we are all younger than she is and that we have more experience in the fan community. She couldnt accept the fact that we used to travel to meet Michael, while she was stuck at home married with a family.

She kept pushing for us to be more like the American fans, for us to wear THEIR tshirts, to handout THEIR leaflets at OUR demos, for us to do the same projects and activities as them. She tried to cause conflict within the group, to have people removed from the group who were outspoken against certain American fans.

The more she pushed to drive us apart, the more we together we became. Instead of dividing us, all that has happened is we have become more united and focused .

I am now officially part of the organisation team of the UK Justice demo group. We have now set up a new forum MJJSTREET.COM which is the base for all the activities of the UK Justice demo group. We are working together to create a place where there is no drama or conflict, a old fashioned fan site, back to basics, and all for Michael.

You can try to stop me, but it wont do a thing
no matter what you do, I’m still gonna be here
Through all your lies and silly games
I’m a still remain the same,I’m unbreakable