Michael Jackson & Friends Concert Munich Germany June 27, 1999
Michael, together with other artists from around the globe performed two charity benefit concerts in June of 1999. Together these concerts raised millions of dollars for three charities; The Red Cross, UNESCO, and The Nelson Mandela Children's Fund. Both concerts were televised, and the final concert was aired globally over the internet!
June 27, 1999 - Munich, Germany
The concert in Munich was played at the Olympic Stadium and was modelled after the previous concert in Seoul, with many of the same performers.
Michael's set included a stage dubbed the "bridge of no return" which was a symbol for refugee children. During "Earth Song" children led each other across the bridge symbolizing the plight of refugees. At the end of the song the bridge was supposed to collapse and a tank would take to the stage as it did in the HIStory tour production of "Earth Song". Unfortunately, during the concert an accident occurred with the prop and Michael was slightly injured.
The bridge that Michael was standing on separated too soon, and the middle section fell into a pit in the stage. Michael climbed out of the hole and carried on with his performances of "Earth Song" and "You Are Not Alone" with no apparent injuries. (Later Michael did go to the hospital and was reported to have suffered bruising, and minor burns).
Performances in the Munich concert were played by Michael Jackson, Patricia Kaas, Steven Seagal, Status Quo, Spirit of the Dance, H.O.T, S.E.S, Luther Vandross, Vanessa Mae, Boys II Men, Slash, Andy Lau, The Scorpions, Philipp Kirkorov, Coco Lee, and Blackstreet.
Michael Jackson's Set list
1. Intro
2. Medley ((The way you make me feel, Beat it, Black or White, Billie Jean)
3. Dangerous
4. Earth Song
5. You Are Not Alone
6. Fireworks (Heal The World)
Source mjtkop
List of Artists From Official Munich Program
Mario Adorf
Roberto Alago
All Saints
Barenaked Ladies
Andre Boceilli
Justus Frantz & Orchestra
Angela Gheorghiu
Udo Jurgens
Patricia Kaas
Kelly Family
Philipp Kirkorov
Helmut Lotti
Vanessa Mae
Peter Maffay & Noa
Munich Rundfunkorchester
Alan Parsons
Andre Rieu
Spirit Of The Dance
Ringo Starr
Status Quo
Michael Jackson & Friends on the BBC 4 July 1999
Highlights from last Sunday's concert were shown on British TV last night. Unfortunately for British fans unable to go to Munich or to access the German ZDF TV station on satellite last weekend, only one song from Michael's thrilling performance was televised last night!
The program opened with an impressive list of the artists names appearing, superimposed over a picture of Michael in a white shirt and black trousers standing in a spotlight. This was followed by the following title, "MICHAEL JACKSON & FRIENDS" In aid of the Nelson Mandela Children's Fund with proceeds going towards the children of Kosovo.
The opening act was the British rockers STATUS QUO who belted out their hit “Sweet Caroline".
Next on were the British all girl foursome ALL SAINTS who sang " Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir? ", which most of the crowd sang along with, obviously a well known song.
BOYZONE gave their support to the children, by singing “You Needed Me! ". The group appeared minus Steven Gateley.
ANDREAS BOCELLI sang a moving song in his beautiful voice. Even if most of the audience didn't understand Italian, the emotion in his voice was all that was needed to convey the sentiments of the song. He was accompanied by a choir and a group of violinists.
LUTHER VANDROSS was the next artist to grace the stage. He gave the crowd good eye contact, and looked like he was thoroughly enjoying himself and was pleased to be one of Michael's " Friends ". He gave the crowd the thumbs up and peace signs, acknowledging their support and enthusiasm. He sang, “Never Too Much ".
ZUCCHERO was accompanied by female musicians made up of violinists, and a cellist, plus drums, keyboard and he played guitar. He sang an emotional song about “My Love, Someone like You!” He is able to convey feelings of deep emotion with his gravely singing voice.
The next act was BARENAKED LADIES whose style was in strong contrast to all of the previous artists. They gave an enthusiastic performance!
Famous ex- Beatle and Liverpudlian RINGO STARR was next up, accompanied by ALAN PARSONS & JACK BRUCE. He opened his stint by saying to the crowd, “Thank you for coming, it's for a good cause - it's for the children! Get ready to do some singing! " In his own inimitable style he gave a great performance of " With A Little Bit Of Help From My Friends ". The crowd all sang along with him and Ringo really got the crowd ‘going’!
The next act was Vanessa Mae. What a polished, professional and talented performer she is! She welcomed the crowd by saying, “Hello Deutschland! Hello the World! I would like to thank everybody here, boys, girls, ladies and gentlemen, for all your support for the Red Cross and all the wonderful charities involved in tonight's concert. Me, Vanessa Mae, I'm so excited and so happy to be part of the show - so let's get on with the music & just one thing, which is very, very important I want to say to you here in Germany, Zee zen under Vunderbar Publico! “She then launched into a rousing performance full of energy and inspiration.
ANDRE RIEU - the violinist - delighted the crowd by playing a Viennese waltz and further back from the from pit, where most of Michael's fans were trying patiently to wait for THE MAIN MAN, it was possible to see couples in the audience waltzing together! He and his group of musicians, who were all dressed in 19th Century costumes, looked as though they were enjoying every moment of their performance. During an interview for ZDF which was shown last weekend, Andre Rieu explained that he has a deep respect for Michael Jackson, his many talents plus his contribution to music. Compliments indeed from such an accomplished musician.
SPIRIT OF THE DANCE followed him, performing their Irish inspired dance.
The finale was none other than THE MAN himself. “Earth Song “being a more than fitting ending to this concert for the children. Michael's performance and interpretation of “Earth Song " just gets better and better every time he performs this humanitarian and environmentally inspired plea, to all of us to save the Earth .... and to make it a better place. The gift of a flower - a lily - given from the hand and heart of a child to a soldier, seems to be asking the adults to save our world for the future generations.
It also portrays a true respect of children and their right to a happy, carefree life and childhood, on a healthy and well cared for planet. We owe the children that much. This song is a true expression of Michael Jackson's kind heart and the World should be honoured to have such a remarkable man, capable of giving performances such as this and of creating such inspirational music and art, as one of us! Michael composed the music and wrote this hard-hitting song ... it's more than just a song; it's a message to the world, to stop and think.......
What More Can I Give?
The expression and symbolism expressed in the outstretching of Michael's hands towards the audience, at the end of the performance may be saying: In our performance tonight, we've tried to show you, the people of the World, what we've done to it, through devastation, greed and war. We're all guilty of a lack of respect towards or responsibility or care for Mother Earth. We've tried to show you how the gift of love can change what we've done and what we CAN do to make a change.
It's time for us all to accept responsibility, what are you going to do about it?
The concert ended with a single spotlight beaming down on Michael as he stood centre stage with his hands outstretched, his head tilted backwards and his eyes closed. Behind him stood the refugees and soldier, shell-shocked, weary and tired - but safe!
Earlier in the ZDF televised concert from last weekend, an Israeli or possibly Turkish artist named NOA appeared with PETER MAFFEY's band. She sang the following words,
“We ask What More Can We Give?
And the answer is
Everyone gives a little bit
And together we create a world of love! "
Executive Producers: Michael Jackson & Marcel Avram
Event Director: Michael Van Almsick
Producers: Birgit Goller, Claudia Kruller, Markuo Templin & Manared Teubener
Director: Alexander Arnz
BBC Executive Producer: Trevor Dunn
Producer: Des Burkinshead
Over a background of fireworks:
Distributed by: Mama Concerts & Raw GrubH
International Distribution: The Big Events Company
Source: MJWN
Michael Jackson: The Real Story? 06/29/1999 4:00 AM, Yahoo! Music Craig Rosen
Nobody's disputing that Michael Jackson performed Sunday (June 27) night at his Michael Jackson And Friends: What More Can I Give? Charity concert in Munich, Germany. However, what happened after the show is a bit of a mystery.
Reports say Jackson was taken to a local hospital after the concert ended, but the reason for the trip is up in the air. Reuters reported he was suffering from exhaustion and "circulatory collapse," while the Associated Press and the BBC reported that he was slightly burned by some onstage fireworks. All three cited sources saying Jackson was discharged a few hours later, and that there wasn't anything seriously wrong. Adding to the mystery, one of Michael Jackson's many fan-based websites said the singer fell more than 25 feet when part of his staging collapsed. The report went on to say that after being examined, Jackson was discharged from the hospital, but then suffered a "nervous breakdown" and had to spend Sunday night under doctor's supervision at the hospital.
Here's the real story, according to Jackson's office: The singer's representatives say that the staging did indeed malfunction during the "Bridge Of No Return" performance piece, and that Jackson did fall. He finished the song he was singing, performed his encore, and was taken to a local Munich hospital. An examination revealed Jackson suffered bumps and bruises, but no broken bones, no "nervous breakdowns," no burns, and no "circulatory collapse"--the only exhaustion he had was his usual level after a performance. As for the concert itself, approximately $1.6 million was raised for the three charities--UNESCO, Nelson Mandela's Children's Fund, and the International Red Cross.
Michael Jackson Information