Michael Jackson London June 2002
Day 1 June 2002
The rest of 2001 passed in a blur. I took time out from work and moved back with my parents but I was not happy. I found myself spending more and more time with Flea, who was also not happy with her life in Ireland. We decided we needed a big change in our lives so in January 2002, with the help of Fleas friend, who was living there, we moved to Munich Germany.
Around April/ May, I can’t really remember when, I got a phone call from one of the UK fans, to tell me that Michael would be attending MJNI’S fan party. Flea and her friend had also got the news from other UK fans. Then we found out that Michael would be going to Exeter on a train and fans could get tickets. My memories of this time are a bit hazy. I remember Flea being on the phone and getting the Exeter train tickets for us. I remember spending hours after work in an internet café with Fleas friend searching the fan sites for information. I remember a UK fan ringing me to tell me they had got me a ticket for KILLER THRILLER. I remember going to a travel agents and booking a flight to London. Flea and her friend went to London a few days before me and booked a hotel near Michael’s hotel. My sister was living in London, so I planned to stay with her, to cut the costs.
Day 1 June 12
I arrive in London and head straight to Michael's hotel. Flea and her friend are already there so I made contact with them. Jenny was in London too and I found her outside the hotel.
This hotel, Renaissance Chancery Court, High Holborn was very different to The Lanesborough at Hyde Park corner. This time the fans were all outside on the main pavement, the hotel had big gates into their property and the fans were not allowed onto the hotel property. The barriers were either side of the main gate.
There were a lot of fans there, from all over Europe. I recognised many faces from New York.
Michael didn't go out during the day so we just spent the day sitting on the pavement outside the hotel. It was great to be back with the fans again, back in London.
As I was staying with my sister I couldn't stay out late. Jenny was staying with Flea and her friend nearby so they stayed late.
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